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Open Mind provides adult learners with the skills to explore contemporary topics, develop real language skills and prepare for their study, work and future career.

Designed to help students become natural, effective communicators, Open Mind prepares learners for life both in and out of the work environment. The comprehensive life skills syllabus will help students develop an understanding of ‘work and career’, ‘study and learning’, and ‘self and society’. Students will also acquire essential strategies to help them become more efficient learners.

The Student’s Book Pack contains a print Student’s Book that is visually engaging. Each unit incorporates the course theme of life skills, along with Grammar sections, Support boxes and a writing syllabus. A DVD is included and a webcode providing access to the Student’s Resource Centre where video worksheets and audio are available.


экземпляр комплект 2715 ₽ - В магазин
Букбридж 2870 ₽ - В магазин
Магеллан 2870 ₽ 4610 ₽ В магазин


Издательство Macmillan
Артикул (ISBN) 9780230458291
Тип обложки мягкая обложка
Язык British English

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