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Fusion 4 Student Book


With Fusion, you can teach your students the language and skills they need for the real world today. The integrated skills approach means language is introduced and skills are practiced through authentic, real world contexts. Each unit ensures students' cultural awareness and 21st century skills are being developed alongside their English, meaning you can be sure your students will be equipped for life beyond the classroom.


• The Student Book uses an integrated skills approach to improve confidence in the four skills.
• 'Project' lessons provide helpful advice on how students can work together, check their work and evaluate their performance.
• 'Curriculum extra' pages provide cross-curricular content, encouraging students to use their English in a range of contexts.
• 'Language in action' activities in every skills lesson ensure that students put what they have learnt into practice in a way that is meaningful for them.
• Cambridge English Qualifications exam-style tasks ensure students are fully-prepared for exams.


Издательство OUP
Артикул (ISBN) 9780194016308
Тип обложки мягкая обложка
Язык British English

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