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Exam Courses


FCE Result Student's Book with Online Skills Practice Pack


Access to Online Skills Practice and an online practice test, giving your students plenty of extra practice in the skills needed to pass the exam. 12 units covering all the papers in the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam, providing complete preparation for the exam. Contemporary topics to interest your students, with texts taken from a variety of current sources, such as newspapers, magazines and books. A clean, vibrant design, making it a pleasure to use. Updated listenings, reading texts and illustrations. Integrated dictionary skills work to show your students how to get the most out of using their dictionaries for both exam tasks and independent study. How to do it and Tips boxes to give your students confidence approaching different exam tasks. A flexible structure, so it can be used for both longer courses, and short, intensive courses.


Издательство OUP
Артикул (ISBN) 9780194817417
Тип обложки мягкая обложка
Язык British English


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