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Methodology (426)

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Learning Teaching 3rd Edition + DVD

Teacher's Book
4803 руб.
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500 Activities for the Primary Classroom

Teacher's Book
3945 руб.
средняя цена

Be Understood! + CD-ROM + Audio CD

Teacher's Book + Audio CD + CD-ROM
3836 руб.
средняя цена

Translation and Own-language Activities

Teacher's Book
4759 руб.
средняя цена

How to Teach English + DVD

Teacher's Book + DVD
7147 руб.
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Language Learning with Digital Video

Teacher's Book
3784 руб.
средняя цена

Blended Learning

Teacher's Book
Нет в продаже

Teaching Second Language Reading

Gives you a thorough overview of theory and research relating to second-language reading. Includes practical suggestions for teaching reading in different contexts. Presents a variety of strategies for reading and teaching reading and discusses how to use them in appropriate contexts.

Teacher's Book
2943 руб.
средняя цена

How to Teach English with Technology + CD-Rom

Teacher's Book + CD-ROM
4878 руб.
средняя цена

Primary Grammar Box

Over 50 games and activities including puzzles, games, crosswords and other task-based activities. Packed with more than 50 games and activities to make learning grammar fun for children. The book includes puzzles, games, crosswords and other task-based activities.

Teacher's Book
6780 руб.
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Cross-curricular Activities

Lots of hands-on activities. Easily accessible resources. Can be used between elementary and intermediate levels. Aimed at higher primary and secondary.

Teacher's Book
1470 руб.
средняя цена
Нет в продаже

Как детишек нам учить по-английски говорить

Teacher's Book
646 руб.
средняя цена

Primary Activity Box Book + Audio CD

Teacher's Book
5665 руб.
средняя цена

Classroom English

An accessible guide to using English in the classroom for non-native speaker teachers.

Teacher's Book
1393 руб.
средняя цена
Нет в продаже

How Languages are Learned

Relates theories of first and second language acquisition to what actually goes on in the classroom. Uses activities throughout to explore the practical implications of the ideas presented.

Teacher's Book
Нет в продаже
Нет в продаже

Primary Communication Box

Teacher's Book
5584 руб.
средняя цена

Starting and Ending Lessons

Twenty-five activities to settle children into a class or bring the lesson to an end. Starting and Ending Lessons focuses on children's need for constant language revision. It provides easy, adaptable activities that use movement and games to maintain variety in the classroom.

Teacher's Book
1470 руб.
средняя цена
Нет в продаже

Vocabulary Activities

Each unit gives clear and accessible details of how to prepare, organize, and teach a lesson including examples of teacher language in the classroom. Taking into account the most effective ways in which children learn, the activities are designed to encourage the recall and recycling of vocabulary.

Teacher's Book
1470 руб.
средняя цена
Нет в продаже

Putting CLIL into Practice

Real-life examples and practical guidelines help CLIL teachers to successfully put CLIL into practice in their own contexts. Provides support for both novice and experienced CLIL teachers.

Teacher's Book
1487 руб.
средняя цена
Нет в продаже

Uncovering CLIL

Teacher's Book
Нет в продаже
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