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Succeed in IELTS Life Skills B1 Student's book



In this book, there are 8 theme-based preparation sections designed to introduce you to topic-relevant vocabulary, remind you of some important grammar points and get you practising your speaking skills as much as possible. These are followed by 8 relevant exam preparation units. There is an exam preparation unit to go with each of the 8 sections. This unit should be completed when you have finished the related section. It always has Listening practice on the unit’s topic and additional exam-style speaking activities. At the end of this book, there are 6 practice tests. The tests are scripted for the examiner. The information the student can see on the day of the exam is highlighted. Keep this in mind while you practise.


Издательство Global ELT
Артикул (ISBN) 9781781642726
Тип обложки мягкая обложка
Язык British English

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