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Study Smart Write Better Sentences and Paragraphs Level 4



Write Better Sentences and Paragraphs is a series of 3 writing workbooks providing varied and interesting tasks to help enhance students writing, enabling them to write creatively, to elaborate and to express themselves fluently. The guided tasks ensure that these writing techniques are modeled and scaffolded while being sufficiently open-ended to provide opportunities for students to exercise their creativity, and for meaningful extension activities.

Main features:

- Activities that provide models, practices and graphic organizers that students can use to improve their writing

- Hints providing students with prompts to help them as they work through the tasks

- Parent extension activities to help parents guide their children to reinforce and consolidate their learning.


Издательство Scholastic
Артикул (ISBN) 9789810752620
Формат 272x213
Тип обложки мягкая обложка
Язык British English


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